S-Town – Narrative Nonfiction Podcast with a Looot of Twists
Whatever anyone (including this review) tells you what the podcast S-Town is about, it’s not. Unless they give you spoilers, which, for this podcast especially,…
The Voyage Out – Virginia Woolf’s First Novel
It’s hard to read Virginia Woolf’s first novel objectively, knowing her later work. I keep looking for the Woolf I know. But she was not…
2030.ro proză contemporană audio
În vara lui 2021 eram în plină criză de covid. Credeam că gata, asta a fost, viața socială s-a terminat, ne mutăm cu totul în…
Anna Karenina – Life, Lively, Lived
“Life dominates Tolstoy. There is always at the centre of all the brilliant and flashing petals this scorpion ‘Why live?’” (Virginia Woolf, ‘The Russian Point…
Do Electric Sheep Elicit Empathy?
In Philip K. Dick’s ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ Rick Deckard is convinced he can tell “andys” apart from humans by using an established…
Câte traduceri, atâtea Anne, atâția Levini
Nici nu pot să cuprind cu mintea de câte ori și în câte limbi a fost “Anna Karenina” a lui Lev Tolstoi tradus(ă), din 1878…
Es war einmal, und ist doch nie geschehen
Iris Wolff, “So tun, als ob es regnet”, Klett-Cotta 2022 (Erste Ausgabe 2017, Otto Müller Verlag)
Creative by AI
In Ian McEwan’s ‘Machines Like Me’ we see what happens when the artificial human is more human than the human.
Și roboții sunt tot oameni
Fabulă, satiră, basm, povestirile lui Stanislaw Lem din “Ciberiada” sunt imposibil de clasificat. Roboții lui sunt numai cu numele roboți și în aventurile lor ne…
Here, on leseriana.blog, I share my passion for reading in three different languages.
Romanian, my mother tongue
English, the language I don’t even consider foreign
German, the language of my adoptive country and still very foreign for me
Over three languages, I am here to to connect with fellow readers like you.