Reading List 2024
Everyone does a review of the year – why not use your reading list as one? This is 2024 from the point of view of…
Escaping the Ship
Getting imprisoned on a ship is never a fun vacation activity. But how to escape with only a fat, lazy cat at hand?
The Most Wonderful Time
It’s Christmas – but what is Santa Claus doing during the most wonderful time of the year? What is his task in modern times?
Nightwish, a Symphony of Story and Time Passing
“We are their heir, dust on their palm We are because of a million loves” (Nightwish, ‘Perfume of the Timeless’, 2024)
Jane Eyre după 25 de ani
Am o relație specială cu “Jane Eyre”, romanul din 1847 al lui Charlotte Brontë, pe care azi o redescopăr.
Iris Wolff und andere Höhepunkte des Jahres 2024
Iris Wolff und Elena Ferrante sind bisher meine Lieblingsautorinnen des Jahres 2024.
Katherine Mansfield and Other Obsessions of 2024
I read more Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf than I had planned in 2024.
Elena Ferrante și alte revelații literare din 2024
Cărți citite, cărți adăugate, cărți tăiate. Unde mă aflu la jumătatea anului de lectură?
Dear Reader of Jacob’s Room
Your annotated copy of Viriginia Woolf’s ‘Jacob’s Room’ ended up on my bookshelf. Thank you for enriching my reading.

When I’m doing something else than reading but I simply can’t take my mind off reading. Call it “other”, without it really being “other”.