Virginia Woolf, the Common Reader?
Virginia Woolf comments on her reading in the second volume of ‘The Common Reader’, published in 1932.
The House of Memory
‘A Sketch of the Past’ is one of Virginia Woolf’s autobiographical writings which gives us a sense of the writer’s childhood.
Unconventional, Free, Creative Reading
‘How to Start Writing (and when to stop)’, Wislawa Szymborska, New Directions, 2021, translated from the Polish by Clare Cavanagh
How ‘Jane Eyre’ Was Published – The Story in Charlotte Brontë’s Letters
That Charlotte Brontë published ‘Jane Eyre’ in 1847 under the name Currer Bell is well-known but what more is there to the story? Let’s see…
S-Town – Narrative Nonfiction Podcast with a Looot of Twists
Whatever anyone (including this review) tells you what the podcast S-Town is about, it’s not. Unless they give you spoilers, which, for this podcast especially,…
Truth, Fiction and 3 Women in ‘A Room of One’s Own’
In ‘A Room of One’s Own’ Virginia Woolf goes beyond the dichotomy fiction/nonfiction and gives shape to a form which defies definition and borders.
Rechtschreibung, klar und systematisch
Annika Lamer, Rechtschreibung klipp und klar erklärt, Dumont 2022

I occasionally read essays, diaries, letters and biographies to get a deeper insight into the lives of authors I love. This is an overview of all the blog posts I wrote about nonfictional writings.