Jane Eyre – How to Be in Control
When read with intent, Charlotte Brontë’s must-read classic ‘Jane Eyre’ is more than a gothic novel, more than a romantic love story. It is a…
How ‘Jane Eyre’ Was Published – The Story in Charlotte Brontë’s Letters
That Charlotte Brontë published ‘Jane Eyre’ in 1847 under the name Currer Bell is well-known but what more is there to the story? Let’s see…
S-Town – Narrative Nonfiction Podcast with a Looot of Twists
Whatever anyone (including this review) tells you what the podcast S-Town is about, it’s not. Unless they give you spoilers, which, for this podcast especially,…
The Voyage Out – Virginia Woolf’s First Novel
It’s hard to read Virginia Woolf’s first novel objectively, knowing her later work. I keep looking for the Woolf I know. But she was not…

leseriana in English
Book reviews and recommendations, literary analyses, forgotten literary treasures, hints and suggestions how to live a meaningful reader’s life. This is an overview of all the blog posts I wrote in English.