The House of Memory
‘A Sketch of the Past’ is one of Virginia Woolf’s autobiographical writings which gives us a sense of the writer’s childhood.
Katherine Mansfield and Other Obsessions of 2024
I read more Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf than I had planned in 2024.
5 Female Characters Who Stick
I could imagine sitting down for a chat with any or all of these literary female characters.
Dear Reader of Jacob’s Room
Your annotated copy of Viriginia Woolf’s ‘Jacob’s Room’ ended up on my bookshelf. Thank you for enriching my reading.
Women Buying Flowers in the 1920s
Why do women buy flowers in fiction? Let’s ask Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Townsend Warner. They have different answers to give us.
Books and Reading in Virginia Woolf’s Essays
How should one read a book? What is there to discover on an evening walk in the streets of London? Virginia Woolf comes up with…
leseriana in English
Book reviews and recommendations, literary analyses, forgotten literary treasures, hints and suggestions how to live a meaningful reader’s life. This is an overview of all the blog posts I wrote in English.