Ambrose Bierce – horror cu H mare
DianaPentru iubitorii de cărți horror clasice, “Valea bântuită” din 1893 a lui Ambrose Bierce stabilește un etalon al literaturii gotice.
Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf in Letters and Diaries
DianaWhat words did Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf write to and about each other? Can we read them and know how the two writers felt…
Katherine Mansfield Risks Everything
GertrudAwarenes of Katherine Mansfield’s personal rebellion and pursuit of freedom enhances the appreciation of her famous story The Garden Party
What the Big Deal about Katherine Mansfield Is
DianaKatherine Mansfield is one of the best Modernist writers of the 20th century and, for many readers, still a discovery which needs to be made.
Sylvia Townsend Warner and Her Fantasy Worlds
DianaSylvia Townsend Warner captivates us with a wide range of literary styles in her books. But there’s an element she always returns to – fantasy.
Mircea Cărtărescu, Cenaclul de Luni, și alte legende
Diana“Mircea Cărtărescu este cel mai mare scriitor român contemporan” (Nicolae Manolescu)
Mavis Gallant – How to Write with Depth
DianaI have lived in writing, like a spoonful of water in a river. This is how the Canadian author Mavis Gallant describes her writing life,…

author focus
When I’m really taken with an author, I plunge into their whole life and writing. This is what I am left with when coming out on the other side.
Features of the Month
All Categories
- auf Deutsch (17)
- Author focus (7)
- Better reading (11)
- Fiction (68)
- in English (78)
- în română (31)
- Kaleidoscope (10)
- Nonfiction (8)
- Notes (22)