De la Pagină la Empatie: cum cărțile ne fac oameni
Lectura tinde spre firul subțire care ne leagă pe noi, oamenii, de alți oameni. Lectura e empatie.
Who Owns the Narrative of McGlue?
Ottessa Moshfegh’s first published work, “McGlue”, is the story of one man’s enlightenment or a study on how the psyche works. Depends on how you…
Doar un bestseller de Amélie Nothomb
“Sabotaj din iubire” de Amélie Nothomb spune o poveste de dragoste și una de război. Dar ambele se desfășoară în mintea unei fetițe de 7…
Dorian Gray’s Life & Art
The Picture of Dorian Gray is a piece of classic gothic literature, but it’s also a portrait of how intricately life & art are entwined…
Happy Returns to and in ‘Great Expectations’
Returning to ‘Great Expectations’, I read Pip’s journey of self-discovery as a dark novel of making sense of a past which slips further away.
Der Steppenwolf, Meisterwerk oder Ideologie?
Hermann Hesses Roman “Der Steppenwolf” ist eine Reise durch die tiefen Abgründe der menschlichen Seele. Oder der männlichen?
Nightwish, a Symphony of Story and Time Passing
“We are their heir, dust on their palm We are because of a million loves” (Nightwish, ‘Perfume of the Timeless’, 2024)
Jane Eyre după 25 de ani
Am o relație specială cu “Jane Eyre”, romanul din 1847 al lui Charlotte Brontë, pe care azi o redescopăr.

Here, on leseriana.blog, I share my passion for reading in three different languages.
Romanian, my mother tongue
English, the language I don’t even consider foreign
German, the language of my adoptive country and still very foreign for me
Over three languages, I am here to to connect with fellow readers like you.