Unconventional, Free, Creative Reading
‘How to Start Writing (and when to stop)’, Wislawa Szymborska, New Directions, 2021, translated from the Polish by Clare Cavanagh
Die Wintermädchen – kein übliches Winter Buch
Cristina Sanchez-Andrade, “Die Wintermädchen”, aus dem Spanischen von Anja Rüdiger, Atlantik 2017
2024 – The Year of the Books Which Have Piled Up
In 2024, my reading resolution is to go through all the books which have piled up over the last years.
“Rebecca”, romanul unei absențe
Rebecca și doamna de Winter sunt personajele centrale, dar și marele absente în romanul din 1938 a lui Daphne du Maurier.
7 Reasons Why Pursue an MA in English Literature
I didn’t even know what Reading was until I spent three years as a student on an MA in English literature.
Maldive, scuba, Dune
Când l-am anunțat pe soțul meu că o sa iau cu mine să citesc al treilea “Dune” în vacanța de scuba diving în Maldive, a…
Jane Eyre – How to Be in Control
When read with intent, Charlotte Brontë’s must-read classic ‘Jane Eyre’ is more than a gothic novel, more than a romantic love story. It is a…

I’m Diana, a lifelong book and literature enthusiast.
I’m a big fan of 20th century literature and women writers, but I don’t shy away from classics, contemporary fiction, nor from an intelligent thriller.